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Hero - Like a game-1 What if weight loss was like a game?

Control your Limbo line to lose weight, gain energy and feel better


The world's most effective weight loss programme puts you in charge of your metabolism

Limbo will use your body's metabolic data and constant coaching to navigate you to sustainable weight loss. You'll  change the habits that have stopped you losing weight and understand how to eat for better long-term health. 

It's time to own your metabolism.


Get started


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How Limbo works

Your programme puts you in charge of your metabolism by making your live blood glucose level visible, then teaching you how to control it. You stay in Limbo for as little as 30 days to make a dramatic change and as long as you need to get to your target.

Reveal your body's live metabolic data

Sensor line

A wearable glucose monitor reveals your true metabolism in a visual timeline.

You’ll be able to see the impact food and other choices have on your body, like you’ve never seen before.

Your programme adjusts constantly based on the data your body sends about your metabolism.


Make choices to flatten your line

You log choices-1

Limbo nudges you into the right choices to control the line.

If your line spikes, you’ll get corrective advice to improve your next choice. If you keep it flat, your behaviour will be reinforced. Ending the spikes and crashes helps you get control of hunger, cravings and energy levels.

See the effect of small changes stacking up

Your weight changes

Little improvements give you control of your metabolism and weight.

As you learn to control your line, you make better choices around nutrition, movement, sleep and more. Your improved choices upgrade your habits, which you can sustain after your programme.

Three elements make Limbo unique


Limbo CGM connecting to phoneWearable tech reveals your metabolic line

A constant, live data-stream from your body shows your true metabolism in your Limbo line.


2 - Your metabolic line revealedControl your line to lose weight

Weight loss becomes like a game when you manage your energy by controlling the line.


FeedbackConstant feedback + accountability

Individualised coaching gives you the skills you need to take charge of your metabolism.

Not another nutrition app-1


Wearable devices connect your body to Limbo
Humans monitor and manage your programme
The visualisation makes weight loss like a game
Constant coaching makes sure you 'win'
You shape your line with real-life choices
You'll manage it all on your iPhone

Thousands of people like you have lost weight with Limbo 

Revolution - Kate

Whether you're trying to lose your pandemic belly or get back to pre-children shape, Limbo will guide you through a metabolic reset. 

You'll upgrade your habits so they stick and you'll know how to keep the weight off for good.


See success stories

30 days of Limbo can lead to a significant change in your health

"Limbo's like a nutrition coach that's with me all the time. I was surprised by what I achieved in a month."

Kobi lost 4kg by understanding the impact food, stress and exercise had on his blood glucose.


See success stories



Gemma story

"I have lost more than 25kg but more importantly, I have got my energy, concentration and confidence back. I enjoyed the whole process and had more fun in last eight months than in years. It's totally changed my relationship with food for the better.”

Eric story

"After 34 days in Limbo, my weight was steadily dropping and I had a bounce in my step. I also found it easier to focus. I had lots of surprises in terms of food combinations that made my blood sugar spike so I learnt a lot about what suits my body." 

Kate story

Kate's goal was to drop 10kg and fit into some of the clothes she had relegated to the back of her wardrobe. A year after her programme finished, she says she's kept the weight off (as pictured on the right) and food habits intact. 

What to expect from Limbo

1 MO

1 month

Lose 3-5kg and change habits

You can make a significant change to your metabolism in a month. If you've got a bigger weight loss goal, you can stay on the programme as long as you need.

2 MO

3-6 months

Lose 10-20% of your bodyweight

In 3 months, you can build a set of habits that will change your life for good. You'll know exactly how to maintain the weight loss for good.

6 MO

6 to 12+ months

Your own metabolic revolution

If you have a lot of weight to lose, you may need longer than six months. You'll wear a sensor throughout and  your programme will change as your body does.

Take charge of your metabolism

Find out if Limbo will work for you.

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