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Weight loss shows belong in the past: Operation Misinformation

Oh dear, is it ‘new year new me’ time already? You know, that time when celebrities used to push their new weight loss DVDs. It’s also time for a new series of Operation Transformation, which – just like DVDs – should be consigned to the past.

Weight loss shows belong in the past: Operation Misinformation

The importance of protein in losing weight

When we think of weight loss we think about reducing our consumption, but in the case of protein it is important that we maintain a good level of intake to support weight loss and essential functions around our body. However, that doesn’t mean a diet of steak 3 times a day, the key is a range of protein sources.

The importance of protein in losing weight

How the food industry hacks us for profit

The big food industry uses a variety of tricks to bypass our common sense, making it more difficult to make well-informed purchasing decisions.

How the food industry hacks us for profit

The transformation that started it all – Pat Phelan

Pat Phelan embarked on a mission to turn his health around after falling into some bad eating habits, creating Limbo along the way.

The transformation that started it all – Pat Phelan

Why our bodies are so good at gaining weight

Ever wondered why it's so easy to put on weight but so difficult to lose it? The answer lies in our Stone Age ancestry.

Why our bodies are so good at gaining weight

Gemma's revolution – ready for anything

Gemma started to gain weight while balancing life as a business leader and the demands of raising children. Despite trying many diets, Gemma wasn't seeing the results until she found Limbo.

Gemma's revolution – ready for anything

The first step to losing weight: be honest with yourself

Being accountable to yourself is a major factor in sustaining any weight-loss efforts. Learning to be honest with yourself and not cheating is often the difference between success and failure.

The first step to losing weight: be honest with yourself

The birth of a revolution

Our CEO, Rurik Bradbury, explains how one man's positive body transformation, guided by 30 years of research, gave rise to the Limbo service.

The birth of a revolution

Why Limbo members never count calories

Calorie counting as a popular method of weight loss is inherently flawed because the concept of a calorie doesn't quite match up to how our bodies process energy.

Why Limbo members never count calories